The New England Midrange Users Group








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New England Mid-Range Users Group

 an IBM user group

The New England Mid-Range Users Group. is a non-profit organization whose growth and development keeps pace with the business computers introduced and marketed by IBM. We currently have over 200 companies using a variety of IBM computers including System i, i Series, AS/400, and System/3x systems on our mailing list with an active membership of thirty plus companies participating in the monthly meetings. This cross section of members enables us to address a wide variety of subjects at our meetings.

Monthly meetings provide the opportunity to meet socially and technically with other Data Processing professionals and systems users. Many have arranged with other members for backup, machine rental, conversion assistance, problem solving, and advice.

In the past, these meetings have dealt with many areas of interest. Experts in their fields have given informative presentations on programming, data communications, operations, systems concepts, management topics and techniques, conversions and other related topics. We have also had demonstrations of equipment, peripheral units, supplies and services.

The New England Mid-Range Users Group, Inc. is a group member of COMMON providing all of the benefits of a full COMMON membership including attendance at the COMMON meetings.

We believe that both your company and NEMUG can benefit through your membership in the group. NEMUG is a place where your company can get the latest about what works and what does not work in software and hardware. Please take the opportunity to attend a meeting and see what is available to you.

This is a company membership that allows an unlimited number of employees to attend the meetings at member rates. We are sure you will enjoy and profit from your association with NEMUG.



Effective Date: October 16, 2002


The purpose of New England Midrange Users Group (NEMUG) is to provide a vehicle for the exchange of information relating to IBM Midrange Computers for the common good of the membership.


It is the policy of NEMUG to promote the free exchange of ideas, concerns, approaches, and solutions among the membership, and to provide a focal point through which the membership can channel items of common interest to IBM.

At the regularly scheduled meetings of the membership, any person attending who is not a paid member of NEMUG will be assessed an additional charge above the regular member dinner charge. NEMUG Officers may suspend the additional charge for special support groups (i.e. IBM) or other reasons that may benefit NEMUG.


NEMUG shall operate under the following procedures:

1. The NEMUG year shall be from September 1 through August 31 of the following calendar year.

2. Meetings will be scheduled periodically during the NEMUG year. There will be a minimum of nine (9) business meetings each year unless otherwise determined by the Executive Committee, however, no more than one (1) meeting in each calendar month. One (1) of the nine (9) shall be held during the month of May and will be referred to as the "Annual Meeting". Every effort will be made to hold the monthly meetings on a predetermined schedule (i.e. the third Wednesday of each month).

3. The primary order of business at the Annual Meeting will be the election and installation of Officers for the succeeding year. The slate presented may be voted on individually or collectively by the voting membership (no proxy voting will be allowed) as defined in Article III of these By-Laws.

4. Each scheduled meeting will be at a site that is centrally located and convenient for the membership. The location may vary as to the demographic makeup of NEMUG. However, every effort will be made to establish a regular schedule of meeting sites.

5. Each scheduled meeting will have a theme or topic that has been published for the voting members prior to the date set for that meeting. Speakers may be drawn from the voting membership, the nonvoting membership, or individuals and groups outside NEMUG.

Article I - NAME

The Name of this association of member companies shall be New England Midrange Users Group, Inc. and will otherwise be known as "NEMUG".


1. It shall be an objective of NEMUG to provide a frequent vehicle for member/nonmember companies to come together to exchange information about various topics particular to users of the IBM System i computer systems (including the System 36, System 38, System i, i Series, and AS400 systems) and IBM peripherals.

2. It shall be an objective of NEMUG to draw the most knowledgeable and talented professionals from each of the companies, and, if necessary, professionals from outside the membership, to address the topics under consideration.

3. It shall be an objective of NEMUG to seek out, define, and facilitate discussions of adequate solutions to user problems whenever they have been defined.


1. The voting membership shall be constituted to be one (1) person from each paid member company. A member company must have an IBM Midrange computer installed, on order, or have regular access to, and utilization of noted systems.

2. The Nonvoting membership shall be constituted by:

a. All others present from each member company.

b. All those present from nonmember companies.

c. All those present from guest companies.

d. IBM employees.

3. Those companies interested in NEMUG must indicate a desire to join by filing an application with the Secretary, accompanied by a check for the annual dues assessed within these By-Laws and procedures.

4. Each company will be assessed an annual membership fee. This fee will be set annually by the Executive Committee. Invoices will be sent to the membership of record prior to September 1st each year.

5. Election of Officers will take place at the Annual Meeting. Names of candidates being proposed for office should be submitted to the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee prior to the nominations, which will be held at the April meeting. Voting will be accomplished by a ballot or show of hands (if only one candidate has been nominated for each office) and a simple majority vote of member companies in attendance.


1. All voting and nonvoting representatives from Member Companies are eligible to hold Office. However, a Member Company may only have one (1) representative on the slate of Officers presented for election at the Annual Meeting.

2. Term of officers: The term of office for each selected post shall be one year. The President and Vice President may not serve more than two (2) consecutive years in that elected capacity. The Treasurer and Secretary may not serve more than four (4) consecutive years in that elected capacity.

3. The procedure for removal of a current office holder for cause from his/her office will require a unanimous vote of the remaining officers in order to present the motion to the members in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting. A majority vote of the member companies in attendance is required to pass the motion for removal from office.

4. In the event that an office is vacated, the vacancy will be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.

5. The Officers shall be responsible for, among other things, expenditures from the Treasury. All expenditures are to be approved by the Treasurer. Any miscellaneous expenditures over two hundred dollars ($200.00) are to be approved by the Treasurer and one other Officer of NEMUG. All miscellaneous expenditures over five hundred dollars ($500.00) are to be approved by a majority vote of the Officers of NEMUG. The only exceptions to the two hundred dollar ($200.00) and the five hundred dollar ($500.00) rule is for payment of any expenses incurred in the presentation or planning of the regular monthly NEMUG meetings (i.e. restaurant bill, repair, or rental of equipment to be used at a meeting). Disbursements shall be made by debit card or check (requires the signature of two officers authorized to sign NEMUG checks).

6. No Officer will receive permanent compensation in any form from NEMUG. However, upon presentation to and approval by the Treasurer, certain extraordinary expenses of the Officers or other members may be reimbursed by NEMUG. Such expenses must be documented, and must have occurred in connection with NEMUG business. In lieu of payment for Officer and member support in the presentation of educational programs at the regular meetings or administration of NEMUG, the Officers may make a gesture of appreciation in the form of a gift of appropriate value.

Article V - OFFICERS

1. The Officers of NEMUG shall number five (7). They are:

a. President

b. Vice President

c. Treasurer

d. Secretary

e. Immediate Past President

f.  Webmaster (appointed)

g. NE Conference Liaison (appointed)

NOTE: Except for the position of Immediate Past President, no member company will hold more than one (1) position concurrently.

2. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of NEMUG and shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the Office of President of an organization. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the membership, if present, and at all meetings of the Officers/Executive Committee and shall have general supervision, direction, and control of business of NEMUG.

3. The Vice President shall have such powers and shall perform such duties as assigned to him/her by the Officers. He/she will preside over all meetings in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall insure that the organization finances are audited on a yearly basis. Copies of the Audit Report will be distributed to the Executive Committee at or prior to the September meeting.

4. The Treasurer shall have custody of the NEMUG funds and securities, and shall keep full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to NEMUG, Inc. The Treasurer will deposit or direct others to deposit, monies and other valuables in the name of, and to the credit of, NEMUG, Inc. into such depositories as have been designated by him/her. He/she shall disburse the funds of NEMUG as set forth by these By-Laws (Article IV, Section 5), taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. The Treasurer shall render to the Officers, at their regular meetings or prior to, an account of all monetary transactions as well as the financial condition of NEMUG since the last report.

5. The Secretary shall preside over meetings in the absence of President and Vice President. He/she shall record all the proceedings of the meetings of NEMUG, and of the Officers, in a Book of Record to keep for that purpose. Among the duties of this position shall be to serve all notices concerning meetings, and associated correspondence as directed by the President to all members in good standing.

6. The Immediate Past President shall act in an advisory capacity and has full voting rights as an Officer of the group. If the President is removed from his/her office for just cause, then the existing Immediate Past President shall remain in this office and the exiting president shall have no status in NEMUG, Inc.


NEMUG may be terminated by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the voting member companies of record by ballot. Upon termination of the organization, all monies residing in the treasury will be equally distributed to the current paid member companies of record, only after all outstanding obligations have been paid.


1. These By-Laws may be altered or repealed, and new By-Laws may be drawn up at any meeting by a two thirds (2/3) vote of voting member companies of record in attendance, or at any special meeting called by the Executive Committee, provided that thirty (30) days notice to all voting member companies has been given.

2. These By-Laws will be ratified by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the voting member companies of record in attendance at the time the change has been proposed.


1. There shall be no vendor initiated sales contacts with attendees at NEMUG meetings.

2. There shall be no vendor hospitality suites at NEMUG meetings except at meetings arranged for such purposes where all invited vendors can display their products.

3. There shall be no vendor displays at NEMUG meetings unless approved by the Executive Committee in advance of the meeting.

4. There shall be no vendor sales presentations initiated at any regularly scheduled meetings of NEMUG.

5. Sales notices of any type are not to be displayed, distributed, or made publicly available at any NEMUG function.

6. Offers of employment are not to be made to any attendee at a NEMUG function.

7. The Current Officers will be the only persons that will be allowed to distribute the mailing list of NEMUG, and are the only ones that may request a copy of this list from the Secretary. Distribution to others shall be approved by the Executive Committee in advance. A List of the members may be distributed to NEMUG members providing that the list shall contain information about members who have volunteered to be included on that listing.

8. Use of the mailing list for the purpose of soliciting business, or advertising for personnel, shall constitute dismissal from membership in NEMUG.

9. The Executive Committee of NEMUG reserves the right to determine if any activity is in violation of the Code of Ethics.


1. Members. The Executive Committee shall be composed as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and all Past Presidents wishing to participate.

2. Duties. The Executive Committee shall supervise all matters pertaining to the organization’s activities and shall manage and conduct organization affairs in accordance with the By-Laws. The Executive Committee shall appoint a nominating committee in accordance with these By-Laws. Every effort will be made to appoint the immediate Past President as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

3. Meetings. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such time and place as the Committee may direct. The Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held in June or July of each year. The Executive Committee may hold additional meetings at a time and place as determined by the Committee.


1. Standing Committee chairpersons may be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall serve from the time appointed until the end of the current NEMUG year. The Chairperson of each committee may propose a suggested list of members to the President for review and possible appointment to his/her committee. Committee members may be appointed by the President.

2. IBM Liaison. Responsibility shall be to keep NEMUG informed of all pertinent information regarding IBM Midrange systems. This person would generally be a representative of the local or regional IBM branch office and, as such, would be selected by that office.

3. AD Hoc Committees. These committees shall be established and dissolved as needed by the Executive Committee.

Copyright 2011-2012 New England Midrange Users Group

Site created and maintained by Rick Marcotte  -- Last updated January 22, 2021 -- Best Viewed at 800x600

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