RPGIV Sub Procedures
with Robert Cozzi, Jr
Bob Cozzi will provide insight into
how RPG IV SubProcedures are created. Included are several example
subprocedures taken from his upcoming book, "RPG TNT: 101 Dynamite
Tips and Techniques"
In addition, Bob will illustrate how
easy it is to watch his free iSeriesTV.com shows from your iPOD or
in your browser. The latest video from the COMMON Miami Beach
conference and last month's show will be discussed.
Bob is the producer
and host of iSeriesTV.com a new monthly video/audio podcast of news
and information in the iSeries and System i market. Bob is editor of
“RPG Developer” a twice-monthly publication delivered to over 40,000
iSeries IT Developers and Managers in more than 20 countries. As an
iSeries educator, he provides on-site iSeries training at
corporations through North America. His company Cozzi Productions,
Inc. recently started production of iSeriesTV.com, and two
television products are currently in preproduction planning.
People know Bob
best from his seminars and books on iSeries and RPG, including the
just released "The Modern RPG IV Language" 4th Edition available on
MCPressOnline.com or on Amazon.com.
Today Bob spends
most of his time doing on-site training for iSeries RPG IV
developers, including traditional RPG IV and CGI/Web applications