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March 18, 2009

Putting 'Run SQL Scripts' to Work for You

with Skip Marchesani

Run SQL Scripts—also known as the SQL Script Center or Script Center—is part of the Database function in iSeries or System i Navigator.  It can be said that in part it is the PC or workstation alternative for Interactive SQL (the STRSQL command) on the green screen side of the System i.  Run SQL Scripts and Interactive SQL do overlap in function, but each can do things that the other cannot.  This session will show how you can put Run SQL Scripts to work for you.

Skip Marchesani spent much of his IBM career working with the Rochester Development Lab on projects for S/38 and AS/400, and was involved with the development of the AS/400.  Skip is recognized as an industry expert on DB2 for i (aka DB2/400) and author of the book ‘DB2/400: The New AS/400 Database’.  He has been a speaker for System i, iSeries and AS/400 audiences around the world; and is an award winning COMMON speaker.


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