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April 11, 2007
How To Get Started with the
CODE Component of WDS
PDM and SEU have officially been discontinued by IBM. No
new development will go into these tools except to keep
them current with syntax changes. So where do you go
from here? This presentation will introduce you to the
basics of installing and using the IBM Websphere
Studio’s CODE editor and CODE designer. CODE is one of
the components of WDSC. Using this piece of WDSC gives
you an easy first step in getting started utilizing this
powerful IBM tool. The CODE editor lets you edit source
for programming languages. It uses language editing
features (such as syntax checking, language sensitive
help, and token highlighting) to help you edit each
specific programming language. CODE Designer removes the
drudgery from managing your DDS files. Using a
customized visual editor, you can create new DDS
screens, printer files, and physical files. Remember
when programming was fun? Have fun again with this tool!
Tim Eagan is a consultant with Aurora Technologies, Inc.
a software development and consulting company
specializing in EDI implementation and support. He has
almost 15 years of experience in iSeries programming,
and specializes in web application architecture for
iSeries systems. Tim is an experienced developer and has
provided consulting to a number of companies.