How To Better Manage Your Windows Servers
(Updated iSCSI technology)
Have you ever had problems managing your Windows Servers? Come hear
and SEE a better way to manage your Windows Servers integrated with
your System i. The following areas will be discussed:
Virtual Storage Management(*)-manage all of your storage
requirements together as one versus managing storage on individual
Combined User ID Management(*)-manage your user IDs for both
OS/400 and Windows from iSeries navigator, create them once and get
both IDs created, both passwords created and both sets of security
permissions set up.
Hot Spare Servers--a way that one extra Intel hardware resource
can provide hardware failover coverage for like Intel hardware
integrated with the iSeries.
Effective Change Management/Test Environment(*)-how to introduce
software updates, bug fixes and service packs into your Windows
environment safely and effectively to reduce the chances of outages
caused by change.
Virtual Ethernet Communications-set up high speed server to server
(Windows/Windows, Windows/OS/400 etc) network communications over
the Virtual Ethernet network running on the iSeries system bus.
Consolidated Backup and Recovery-consolidate your backups for both
OS/400 and your Windows servers into one operation.
(*) These functions will be demonstrated.
Andy Chung is an IBM Field Technical Sales Specialist in New York
City. Andys focus is on infrastructure simplification with an
emphasis on Linux, AIX, and Windows Integration on iSeries. He is
involved in helping customer design and develops Linux solutions on
the iSeries and i5 platform. He also has a background in computer
programming and has been developing in PHP for several years.