New England Midrange Users Group

Meeting Announcement



Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Sign In 5:15 p.m.; Speaker 6:00-7:00 p.m., Dinner to Follow


Ramada Inn, 940 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA


IBM Power Systems Announcement Overview


Rick Cowles, IBM.


Steak Tips with mashed potato and vegetable or Salmon Limon with mashed potato and vegetable or Cheese Ravioli with marinara sauce (our Vegetarian option) all served with soup, salad, and dessert.

R.S.V.P. to Aurora Technologies.  Register on the web, www.nemug.com, mail the bottom of this sheet, phone (401) 765-3721, FAX (401) 766-4591, or e-mail aurora@auroratechedi.com.

Include the information listed below.  We must receive your reply no later than Friday, May 13, 2011.

** No shows will be billed, unless cancellation is received by Tuesday, May 17, 2011. **

IBM Power Systems Announcement Overview 


Please join us at the May 18th meeting to hear from IBM about the new POWER announcements.  POWER is performance redefined!  

New throughput intensive POWER7 blade servers that can automatically optimize performance and capacity at either a system or virtual machine level.  
New POWER7 processor options for the Power 750 and Power 755 for additional performance.  
New IBM Systems Director Management Console (SDMC), the next-generation Hardware Management Console (HMC)
New hardware including, new I/O features, new storage drawers and enhanced SSD options. 


Rick Cowles has been with IBM for 13+ years, all spent in technical support on the AS/400, iSeries, System i, POWER platform.  
In his current role as POWER FTSS (Field Technical Sales Specialist) he works with IBM i operating system customers throughout 
New England specializing in server consolidation and virtualization on POWER.

Company ____________________________

Number Attending _____________


Contact Name ________________________


FAX _______________

Phone _______________

Beef _____ Seafood _____ Vegetarian _____



Cost:  NEMUG Members $30, Guests $40, Students $10.  Make check payable to:  NEMUG

Mail to Aurora Technologies, c/o NEMUG, 5 Old Nasonville Road, Harrisville, RI 02830,

or register on the NEMUG web site, www.nemug.com


NEMUG Officers



Dick Ferrara,

(401) 828-0300, ext. 442


Vice President  

Brian Siwicke,
Princess House  

(508) 880-1450



Faith Lamprey,
Aurora Technologies  

(401) 765-3721,

(401) 766-4591 FAX



Eileen Newell,
FGX International  

(401) 719-2337  


IBM Liaison  

Rick Cowles, IBM  

(781) 895-4714  



Jerry Perreault

(401) 949-2613


NE Conference Liaison  

Chip DiFolco,
Burke Distributing

(781) 815-1360  



Message from the President

At our March meeting, Mark Middendorf, of Compu-Call, Inc., delivered a session on Optimizing Business Communications.  Because of a family emergency I was not able to attend, but from what I’ve been told, the meeting was well presented, well received, and very well attended.  Thank you, Mark Middendorf, for your presentation. And thank you, Paul Picard, for your efforts to bring this meeting together.


This month at our May 18th meeting, Rick Cowles of IBM is presenting what’s new in IBM’s POWER7 series.  He will debut new, more powerful processor options for the POWER7.  From how, at system or virtual levels, the POWER7 can automatically optimize its performance, to the new Systems Director Management Console, to the next-generation Hardware Management Console, to new hardware, new I/O features, new storage drawers, to enhanced SSD options, and…


Rick has been with IBM, in technical support of the evolving AS/400, to the iSeries, to the POWER* platforms, for 13 years.  He is currently a Field Technical Sales Specialist for IBM (POWER FTSS) here in New England, concentrating on POWER.  Rick has been associated with NEMUG for quite awhile.  He attends our yearly planning meetings and contributes his thoughts; he attends and speaks at our meetings.  He is one of us!  Join with us, find the edge…..


May The Force be with us! 


Dick Ferrara


Election of Officers

Nominations are open and need to be in for the May Meeting.  Elections will be held at the meeting.  If anyone knows of someone who would be interested in serving on the Board for a year, please contact Jerry Perreault (gjpfromri@cox.net) before the meeting.


E-mail Notification

Many of you receive two newsletters—one through e-mail and the other through snail mail.  In an attempt to reduce our mailing costs, we are asking you to notify us if the e-mail one is sufficient (aurora@auroratechedi.com).  If you are not on our e-mail list, go to the web site at www.nemug.com and click on the "Subscribe" button to be added to the list.


Welcome to the following New and Renewing Member Companies

(as of 2/16/11)


A.J. Oster

Aurora Technologies

Cape Cod Bay Systems



Hart Engineering

Hitchcock Shoes

FGX International

K&M Associates



Northeast Theatre Corp.

Jerry Perreault

Princess House


Thank you for your support of NEMUG!



(Schedule is subject to change)


June 15 — BYOT — Meeting without a Meeting, Bring Your Own Topic